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This will be another short post, mostly because I have little pictures from the area but also because my own time there was cut a little short as well. It starts out in New Jersey. Not pictured: a motorcycle ride out to Long Island Beach for an amazing shrimp salad (pictured below). The weather was beautiful, the ride was gorgeous and I'm getting more comfortable as a backseat rider.

Next up: a quick trip through 4 states to Boston, sorry I mean BAHSTAHN. Again, lacking in the pictures but we visited the Sam Adams/Boston Brewing Company and had fresh lobster rolls along the harbor (that's actually pictured at the top). We met up with some friends for dinner and drinks and later that night ended up in a bar underneath the baseball stadium, you've probably heard of it... Fenway? And it was during a game! Pretty cool and I don't even get into baseball. The next day we celebrated a birthday, made new friends, played new drinking games (who needs beer pong when there's chandelier!) and then left early the next morning for a grueling trip back through 4 states.

I would visit again. Maybe even see more of those 4 states (Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts). And the surrounding states.

Happy Memorial Day weekend all! While it is the unofficial beginning of summer, it does mean so much more than just that. Be safe, be good.

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